The meetings take the form of open discussion on antique arms and accessories brought along by members from their collections. These meetings are mutually beneficial and educational. Visitors are most welcome.

Sydney Monthly MeetingsTopics for 2024.
JANUARYPolice, Bushrangers & Gangsters
Express Rifles - Big Game and Sporting.
FEBRUARYBoer War - Arms, Equipment & Memorabilia.
MARCHCarving and Engraving – the art of arms and armor
APRILFakes, forgeries, frauds and facsimiles
MAYAnnual General Meeting and Election of Officers - US Civil War
JUNEZulu War - Weapons & Battles
JULYSingle shots, when you only need one shot
AUGUSTPocket Pistol to Punt Gun – it’s all about size
SEPTEMBERPatents and Progress – advances in arms and armor
OCTOBERDaggers, dirks & knives
NOVEMBERIrreplaceable – the last thing I’d ever sell
DECEMBERNo meeting due to Christmas


Country chapters have also been set up to provide meetings for those living remote to the Sydney area. Please follow this link for details of who to contact in these Country Chapters.

Antique Arms Collectors Society of Australia